Monday, April 7, 2008

A little known fact. A little girl of about three will live outside if she is allowed. She has watered plants, played with her little people, swept with her little broom, rode her scooter, rode her bike, ran around for no reason at all, danced, played with chalk and took her baby doll on a stroll; all in the last three hours.

Very impressive I'd say.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Amelia spent the day outside a small beauty queen in her 'daddy's princess' shirt and bright yellow pants. She climbed to the top of a plastic playground equipment and scared mommy; which must have been fun so she did it two more times!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Amelia is such a good girl. She is always trying to be nice and she usually lets' other kids go ahead of her. Except for Vince her cousin.. She has Vinnie wrapped around her finger *L* He follows her like a puppy and does everything that she asks of him. The other day I was watching VInnie and they both had a lollipop. MIa puts hers' down when she was going to play outside, but vinnie still had his. So Mia says "Vinnie, do you want to be like me or do you want to be like you?: Vinnie says quickly, "I wanna be like you" So she says , "well, give me your lollipop' now Vinnie is in tears; does he lose his temper? Say no? NOPE. He hands it her with tears in his eyes. Of course I got Mia and told her that that wasn't nice and see how Vinnie was crying because of something she did; she promptly gave it back. It was still pretty cute though :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So what is a girl to do if she gets a spanking at the meeting for laying on the floor and not getting up?

Fall asleep from crying for the rest of the meeting of course!

Mia 'ism of the day

Mommy I need chocolate!

Can we go get chocolate now?

WHy are you laughing mommy?

SHe really is a girl!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Amelia was a very good girl today. She woke up a little late; but was well behaved. We went to Jonas' house and she and her cousin played for several hours before it was time to go home again. Then we went to grandmas' house and she had fun there too. Although she was somewhat pouty and threw a big fit when it was time to leave. vincent is four today and amelia seems a long way from four.. I am going to put her in bed and hope shes' nicer tomorrow!
Amelia is doing great! She has been having so much fun playing with her toys and carrying out conversations with anything she can.

She is finally able to fit the yellow dress that's eben passed down since Melissa! Shes' going to wear it to the memorial. I am very excited!